Welcome To The Joker Club. ,
Friday, May 1, 2009

Hey guys, come on BEFORE add us, lets you READ this. . . First thing, ini club bkn gaduh2 punya ma. . Ini kelab huru hare. . hahaha. . warden ktoank da fedup ngan ktoank. . So. . . .
ktoank hapy ngan hal yg ktoank booowat. . .huahuahuha. .

2. Huhuhuhuhu.....
aku bdk joker gak...dlm club ni aku pgkt angh...
tpi my pwen pggl aku kechil....ktowg made club ni x sngaje pown...
tpi its the best club lorh...ktowg ske cnteng muke ni...
sbb 2 le hidop nye club ni...ktowg smue 1kpale lorh...
klao rse nk join give shout out kt ktowg...


6. Hahahahaha. . .
Last joker is here! ! !. . .they kol me adeq or sumtyme kentot. . .
aku ta plan pown nk join team neh. . but. . .
dyeoank satu pale ngan aku. .
besh! ! !
Swit memory aku ngan dyeoank?
maen keja2x ngan warden. . .hahahahaha! ! ! !

&' Why So serius. .

5:24 AM

The Joker. .
Our Attitude

*_* Always Smart*_*
*_* Always Cool*_*
*_* Always Together*_*
*_* D.o.[V].E*_*
*_* Always Social*_*
*_* Always Laughing =) *_*
*_* We are not just a club???*_*

Why So Serious
Scaring Face At NIght

The Chat Box
No Vulgarities
tagboard here .

The Joker's

Mr. Khem +60172683681
Mr. Kentot +60175604708
Kec_hil +60173001059
Kec_hik +60176816171
Ah-Moy +60176593212
Ah-Chong +60127598775

May 2009

Graphic Designer
Designer ; Republic Of Joker